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This is the main entry point for the pygen package. It contains the main functions for generating SDKs.


Class for executing queries against the Domain Model Storage (DMS) endpoints in CDF.


Name Type Description Default
client CogniteClient

An instance of the CogniteClient.

views Sequence[View]

A list of views to use for the queries. Defaults to None. If not passed, the views will be fetched from the server when needed.

Source code in cognite/pygen/_query/
class QueryExecutor:
    """Class for executing queries against the Domain Model Storage (DMS) endpoints in CDF.

        client (CogniteClient): An instance of the CogniteClient.
        views (Sequence[dm.View], optional): A list of views to use for the queries. Defaults to None.
            If not passed, the views will be fetched from the server when needed.

    def __init__(self, client: CogniteClient, views: Sequence[dm.View] | None = None):
        self._client = client
        # Used for aggregated logging of requests
        client.config.client_name = f"CognitePygen:{__version__}:QueryExecutor:{client.config.client_name}"
        self._view_by_id: dict[dm.ViewId, dm.View] = {view.as_id(): view for view in views or []}
        self._unpack_edges: Literal["skip", "include"] = "include"

    def search(
        view: dm.ViewId,
        properties: SelectedProperties | None = None,
        query: str | None = None,
        filter: filters.Filter | None = None,
        search_properties: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None,
        sort: Sequence[dm.InstanceSort] | dm.InstanceSort | None = None,
        limit: int | None = None,
    ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        """Search for nodes/edges in a view.

            view: The view in which the nodes/edges have properties.
            properties: The properties to in include in the result. If None, all properties are included.
            query: The search query.
            filter: The filter to apply ahead of the search.
            search_properties: The properties to search. If None, all text properties are searched.
            sort: The sort order of the results.
            limit: The maximum number of results to return. Max 1000.

            list[dict[str, Any]]: The search results.

        filter = self._equals_none_to_not_exists(filter)
        search_result =
            properties=search_properties,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
            limit=limit or SEARCH_LIMIT,

        flatten_props = self._as_property_list(properties, "list") if properties else None
        are_flat_properties = flatten_props == properties
        if properties is None or are_flat_properties:
            return self._prepare_list_result(search_result, set(flatten_props) if flatten_props else None)

        # Lookup nested properties:

        order_by_node_ids = {node.as_id(): no for no, node in enumerate(search_result)}
        # If we are sorting, then we need to ensure externalId and space are included in the properties.
        # This is because we need them for the final sorting.
        include_space = False
        include_external_id = False
        if sort is not None:
            include_space = "space" not in properties
            include_external_id = "externalId" not in properties
        if include_space:
        if include_external_id:

        result: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
        for space, space_nodes in itertools.groupby(
            sorted(order_by_node_ids.keys(), key=lambda x:, key=lambda x:
            is_space = filters.Equals(["node", "space"], space)
            for chunk in chunker(list(space_nodes), IN_FILTER_CHUNK_SIZE):
                batch_filter = filters.And(
                    filters.In(["node", "externalId"], [node.external_id for node in chunk]), is_space
                batch_result = self.list(view, properties, batch_filter, sort, limit or SEARCH_LIMIT)

        if sort is not None:
            result.sort(key=lambda x: order_by_node_ids[dm.NodeId(x["space"], x["externalId"])])
        if include_space or include_external_id:
            for item in result:
                if include_space:
                    del item["space"]
                if include_external_id:
                    del item["externalId"]

        return result

    def aggregate(
        view: dm.ViewId,
        aggregates: Aggregation | Sequence[Aggregation],
        group_by: None = None,
        filter: filters.Filter | None = None,
        query: str | None = None,
        search_properties: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None,
        limit: int | None = None,
    ) -> dict[str, Any]: ...

    def aggregate(
        view: dm.ViewId,
        aggregates: Aggregation | Sequence[Aggregation],
        group_by: str | SequenceNotStr[str],
        filter: filters.Filter | None = None,
        query: str | None = None,
        search_properties: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None,
        limit: int | None = None,
    ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: ...

    def aggregate(
        view: dm.ViewId,
        aggregates: Aggregation | Sequence[Aggregation],
        group_by: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None,
        filter: filters.Filter | None = None,
        query: str | None = None,
        search_properties: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None,
        limit: int | None = None,
    ) -> dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]:
        """Aggregate nodes/edges in a view.

            view: The view in which the nodes/edges have properties.
            aggregates: The aggregations to perform.
            group_by: The properties to group by.
            filter: The filter to apply ahead of the aggregation.
            query: The search query. This is useful when you want to show the number of results
                of a specific search query. It is useful for combining with the search method.
            search_properties: The properties to search. If None, all text properties are searched.
            limit: The maximum number of results to return. Max 1000.

            dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]: The aggregation results.

        filter = self._equals_none_to_not_exists(filter)
        return self._execute_aggregation(view, aggregates, search_properties, query, filter, group_by, limit)

    def _equals_none_to_not_exists(cls, filter: filters.Filter | None) -> filters.Filter | None:
        """Converts all Equals([property], None) filters to Not(Exists([property])) filters.

        The motivation is that the DMS API does not support Equals([property], None) filters, and
        it is more intuitive to use Equals([property], None) filters in the query builder.
        if isinstance(filter, filters.Equals) and filter._value is None:
            return filters.Not(filters.Exists(filter._property))
        elif isinstance(filter, filters.And):
            return filters.And(*[res for f in filter._filters if (res := cls._equals_none_to_not_exists(f))])
        elif isinstance(filter, filters.Or):
            return filters.Or(*[res for f in filter._filters if (res := cls._equals_none_to_not_exists(f))])
        elif isinstance(filter, filters.Not) and filter._filters:
            if res := cls._equals_none_to_not_exists(filter._filters[0]):
                return filters.Not(res)
        return filter

    def _get_view(self, view_id: dm.ViewId) -> dm.View:
        if view_id not in self._view_by_id:
            view = self._client.data_modeling.views.retrieve(view_id, all_versions=False)
            if not view:
                raise CogniteAPIError(f"View not found: {view_id!r}", code=200)
            self._view_by_id[view_id] = view[0]
        return self._view_by_id[view_id]

    def _as_property_list(properties: SelectedProperties, operation: str) -> list[str]:
        output = []
        is_nested_supported = operation == "list"
        for prop in properties:
            if isinstance(prop, str):
            elif isinstance(prop, dict) and is_nested_supported:
                if len(prop) != 1:
                    raise ValueError(f"Unexpected nested property: {prop}")
                key = next(iter(prop.keys()))
            elif isinstance(prop, dict):
                raise ValueError(f"Nested properties are not supported for operation {operation}")
                raise ValueError(f"Unexpected property type: {type(prop)}")
        return output

    def _execute_list(
        view_id: dm.ViewId,
        properties: SelectedProperties,
        filter: filters.Filter | None = None,
        sort: Sequence[dm.InstanceSort] | dm.InstanceSort | None = None,
        limit: int | None = None,
    ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        view = self._get_view(view_id)
        root_properties = self._as_property_list(properties, "list")
        builder = QueryBuilder()
        factory = QueryStepFactory(builder.create_name, view=view, user_selected_properties=properties)

        if not factory.connection_properties:
            result = self._client.data_modeling.instances.list(
            return self._prepare_list_result(result, set(root_properties))

        reverse_views = {
            prop.through.source: self._get_view(prop.through.source)
            for prop in factory.reverse_properties.values()
            if isinstance(prop.through.source, dm.ViewId)
        builder.append(factory.root(filter, limit=limit))
        for connection_id, connection in factory.connection_properties.items():
            builder.extend(factory.from_connection(connection_id, connection, reverse_views))
        _ = builder.execute_query(self._client, remove_not_connected=False)
        return QueryUnpacker(
            builder, edges=self._unpack_edges, as_data_record=False, edge_type_key="type", node_type_key="type"

    def _prepare_list_result(
        cls, result: dm.NodeList[dm.Node], selected_properties: set[str] | None
    ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        output: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
        for node in result:
            item = QueryUnpacker.flatten_dump(node, selected_properties)
            if item:
                # As long as you have selected properties, you will not get None.
                output.append(item)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
        return output

    def _execute_aggregation(
        view_id: dm.ViewId,
        aggregates: Aggregation | Sequence[Aggregation],
        search_properties: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None,
        query: str | None = None,
        filter: filters.Filter | None = None,
        group_by: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None,
        limit: int | None = None,
    ) -> dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]:
        aggregates_list = aggregates if isinstance(aggregates, Sequence) else [aggregates]
        metric_aggregates = [agg for agg in aggregates_list if isinstance(agg, dm.aggregations.MetricAggregation)]
        histogram_aggregates = [agg for agg in aggregates_list if isinstance(agg, dm.aggregations.Histogram)]
        if metric_aggregates and histogram_aggregates:
            raise ValueError("Cannot mix metric and histogram aggregations")

        if metric_aggregates and group_by is not None:
            group_by_result = self._client.data_modeling.instances.aggregate(  # type: ignore[call-overload]
                limit=limit or AGGREGATION_LIMIT,
            return self._grouped_metric_aggregation_to_dict(group_by_result)
        elif metric_aggregates:
            metric_results = self._client.data_modeling.instances.aggregate(
                limit=limit or AGGREGATION_LIMIT,
            return self._metric_aggregation_to_dict(metric_results)

        elif histogram_aggregates:
            histogram_results = self._client.data_modeling.instances.histogram(
                properties=search_properties,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
                limit=limit or AGGREGATION_LIMIT,
            return self._histogram_aggregation_to_dict(histogram_results)
            raise ValueError("No aggregation found")

    def _metric_aggregation_to_dict(aggregation: list[dm.aggregations.AggregatedNumberedValue]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        values_by_aggregations: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = defaultdict(dict)
        for item in aggregation:
            values_by_aggregations[item._aggregate][] = item.value
        return dict(values_by_aggregations)

    def _grouped_metric_aggregation_to_dict(cls, aggregations: InstanceAggregationResultList) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        output: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
        for group in aggregations:
            group_dict = {
        return output

    def _histogram_aggregation_to_dict(aggregation: list[dm.aggregations.HistogramValue]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        output: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = defaultdict(dict)
        for item in aggregation:
            output[item._aggregate][] = {
                "interval": item.interval,
                "buckets": [bucket.dump() for bucket in item.buckets],
        return dict(output)

    def list(
        view: dm.ViewId,
        properties: SelectedProperties,
        filter: filters.Filter | None = None,
        sort: Sequence[dm.InstanceSort] | dm.InstanceSort | None = None,
        limit: int | None = None,
    ) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
        """List nodes/edges in a view.

            view: The view in which the nodes/edges have properties.
            properties: The properties to include in the result.
            filter: The filter to apply ahead of the list operation.
            sort: The sort order of the results.
            limit: The maximum number of results to return. Pagination is handled automatically.
        filter = self._equals_none_to_not_exists(filter)
        return self._execute_list(view, properties, filter, sort, limit)

_equals_none_to_not_exists(filter) classmethod

Converts all Equals([property], None) filters to Not(Exists([property])) filters.

The motivation is that the DMS API does not support Equals([property], None) filters, and it is more intuitive to use Equals([property], None) filters in the query builder.

Source code in cognite/pygen/_query/
def _equals_none_to_not_exists(cls, filter: filters.Filter | None) -> filters.Filter | None:
    """Converts all Equals([property], None) filters to Not(Exists([property])) filters.

    The motivation is that the DMS API does not support Equals([property], None) filters, and
    it is more intuitive to use Equals([property], None) filters in the query builder.
    if isinstance(filter, filters.Equals) and filter._value is None:
        return filters.Not(filters.Exists(filter._property))
    elif isinstance(filter, filters.And):
        return filters.And(*[res for f in filter._filters if (res := cls._equals_none_to_not_exists(f))])
    elif isinstance(filter, filters.Or):
        return filters.Or(*[res for f in filter._filters if (res := cls._equals_none_to_not_exists(f))])
    elif isinstance(filter, filters.Not) and filter._filters:
        if res := cls._equals_none_to_not_exists(filter._filters[0]):
            return filters.Not(res)
    return filter

aggregate(view, aggregates, group_by=None, filter=None, query=None, search_properties=None, limit=None)

aggregate(view: dm.ViewId, aggregates: Aggregation | Sequence[Aggregation], group_by: None = None, filter: filters.Filter | None = None, query: str | None = None, search_properties: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None, limit: int | None = None) -> dict[str, Any]
aggregate(view: dm.ViewId, aggregates: Aggregation | Sequence[Aggregation], group_by: str | SequenceNotStr[str], filter: filters.Filter | None = None, query: str | None = None, search_properties: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None, limit: int | None = None) -> list[dict[str, Any]]

Aggregate nodes/edges in a view.


Name Type Description Default
view ViewId

The view in which the nodes/edges have properties.

aggregates Aggregation | Sequence[Aggregation]

The aggregations to perform.

group_by str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None

The properties to group by.

filter Filter | None

The filter to apply ahead of the aggregation.

query str | None

The search query. This is useful when you want to show the number of results of a specific search query. It is useful for combining with the search method.

search_properties str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None

The properties to search. If None, all text properties are searched.

limit int | None

The maximum number of results to return. Max 1000.



Type Description
dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]

dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]: The aggregation results.

Source code in cognite/pygen/_query/
def aggregate(
    view: dm.ViewId,
    aggregates: Aggregation | Sequence[Aggregation],
    group_by: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None,
    filter: filters.Filter | None = None,
    query: str | None = None,
    search_properties: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None,
    limit: int | None = None,
) -> dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]:
    """Aggregate nodes/edges in a view.

        view: The view in which the nodes/edges have properties.
        aggregates: The aggregations to perform.
        group_by: The properties to group by.
        filter: The filter to apply ahead of the aggregation.
        query: The search query. This is useful when you want to show the number of results
            of a specific search query. It is useful for combining with the search method.
        search_properties: The properties to search. If None, all text properties are searched.
        limit: The maximum number of results to return. Max 1000.

        dict[str, Any] | list[dict[str, Any]]: The aggregation results.

    filter = self._equals_none_to_not_exists(filter)
    return self._execute_aggregation(view, aggregates, search_properties, query, filter, group_by, limit)

list(view, properties, filter=None, sort=None, limit=None)

List nodes/edges in a view.


Name Type Description Default
view ViewId

The view in which the nodes/edges have properties.

properties SelectedProperties

The properties to include in the result.

filter Filter | None

The filter to apply ahead of the list operation.

sort Sequence[InstanceSort] | InstanceSort | None

The sort order of the results.

limit int | None

The maximum number of results to return. Pagination is handled automatically.

Source code in cognite/pygen/_query/
def list(
    view: dm.ViewId,
    properties: SelectedProperties,
    filter: filters.Filter | None = None,
    sort: Sequence[dm.InstanceSort] | dm.InstanceSort | None = None,
    limit: int | None = None,
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
    """List nodes/edges in a view.

        view: The view in which the nodes/edges have properties.
        properties: The properties to include in the result.
        filter: The filter to apply ahead of the list operation.
        sort: The sort order of the results.
        limit: The maximum number of results to return. Pagination is handled automatically.
    filter = self._equals_none_to_not_exists(filter)
    return self._execute_list(view, properties, filter, sort, limit)

search(view, properties=None, query=None, filter=None, search_properties=None, sort=None, limit=None)

Search for nodes/edges in a view.


Name Type Description Default
view ViewId

The view in which the nodes/edges have properties.

properties SelectedProperties | None

The properties to in include in the result. If None, all properties are included.

query str | None

The search query.

filter Filter | None

The filter to apply ahead of the search.

search_properties str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None

The properties to search. If None, all text properties are searched.

sort Sequence[InstanceSort] | InstanceSort | None

The sort order of the results.

limit int | None

The maximum number of results to return. Max 1000.



Type Description
list[dict[str, Any]]

list[dict[str, Any]]: The search results.

Source code in cognite/pygen/_query/
def search(
    view: dm.ViewId,
    properties: SelectedProperties | None = None,
    query: str | None = None,
    filter: filters.Filter | None = None,
    search_properties: str | SequenceNotStr[str] | None = None,
    sort: Sequence[dm.InstanceSort] | dm.InstanceSort | None = None,
    limit: int | None = None,
) -> list[dict[str, Any]]:
    """Search for nodes/edges in a view.

        view: The view in which the nodes/edges have properties.
        properties: The properties to in include in the result. If None, all properties are included.
        query: The search query.
        filter: The filter to apply ahead of the search.
        search_properties: The properties to search. If None, all text properties are searched.
        sort: The sort order of the results.
        limit: The maximum number of results to return. Max 1000.

        list[dict[str, Any]]: The search results.

    filter = self._equals_none_to_not_exists(filter)
    search_result =
        properties=search_properties,  # type: ignore[arg-type]
        limit=limit or SEARCH_LIMIT,

    flatten_props = self._as_property_list(properties, "list") if properties else None
    are_flat_properties = flatten_props == properties
    if properties is None or are_flat_properties:
        return self._prepare_list_result(search_result, set(flatten_props) if flatten_props else None)

    # Lookup nested properties:

    order_by_node_ids = {node.as_id(): no for no, node in enumerate(search_result)}
    # If we are sorting, then we need to ensure externalId and space are included in the properties.
    # This is because we need them for the final sorting.
    include_space = False
    include_external_id = False
    if sort is not None:
        include_space = "space" not in properties
        include_external_id = "externalId" not in properties
    if include_space:
    if include_external_id:

    result: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
    for space, space_nodes in itertools.groupby(
        sorted(order_by_node_ids.keys(), key=lambda x:, key=lambda x:
        is_space = filters.Equals(["node", "space"], space)
        for chunk in chunker(list(space_nodes), IN_FILTER_CHUNK_SIZE):
            batch_filter = filters.And(
                filters.In(["node", "externalId"], [node.external_id for node in chunk]), is_space
            batch_result = self.list(view, properties, batch_filter, sort, limit or SEARCH_LIMIT)

    if sort is not None:
        result.sort(key=lambda x: order_by_node_ids[dm.NodeId(x["space"], x["externalId"])])
    if include_space or include_external_id:
        for item in result:
            if include_space:
                del item["space"]
            if include_external_id:
                del item["externalId"]

    return result

build_wheel(model_id, client=None, *, top_level_package=None, client_name=None, default_instance_space=None, output_dir=Path('dist'), format_code=True, config=None)

Generates a wheel with Python SDK tailored to the given Data Model(s).


Name Type Description Default
model_id DataModel | Sequence[DataModel]

The ID(s) of the data model(s) used to create a tailored SDK. You can also pass in the data model(s) directly to avoid fetching them from CDF.

client Optional[CogniteClient]

The cognite client used for fetching the data model. This is required if you pass in data models ID(s) in the model_id argument and not a data model.

top_level_package Optional[str]

The name of the top level package for the SDK. For example, if we have top_level_package=apm and the client_name=APMClient, then the importing the client will be from apm import APMClient. If nothing is passed, the package will be [external_id:snake] of the first data model given, while the client name will be [external_id:pascal_case]

client_name Optional[str]

The name of the client class. For example, APMClient. See above for more details.

default_instance_space str | None

The default instance space to use for the generated SDK. If not provided, the space must be specified when creating, deleting, and retrieving nodes and edges.

output_dir Path

The location to output the generated SDK wheel. Defaults to "dist".

format_code bool

Whether to format the generated code using black. Defaults to True.

config Optional[PygenConfig]

The configuration used to control how to generate the SDK.

Source code in cognite/pygen/
def build_wheel(
    model_id: DataModel | Sequence[DataModel],
    client: Optional[CogniteClient] = None,
    top_level_package: Optional[str] = None,
    client_name: Optional[str] = None,
    default_instance_space: str | None = None,
    output_dir: Path = Path("dist"),
    format_code: bool = True,
    config: Optional[PygenConfig] = None,
) -> None:
    Generates a wheel with Python SDK tailored to the given Data Model(s).

        model_id: The ID(s) of the data model(s) used to create a tailored SDK. You can also pass in the data model(s)
            directly to avoid fetching them from CDF.
        client: The cognite client used for fetching the data model. This is required if you pass in
            data models ID(s) in the `model_id` argument and not a data model.
        top_level_package: The name of the top level package for the SDK. For example,
            if we have top_level_package=`apm` and the client_name=`APMClient`, then
            the importing the client will be `from apm import APMClient`. If nothing is passed,
            the package will be [external_id:snake] of the first data model given, while
            the client name will be [external_id:pascal_case]
        client_name: The name of the client class. For example, `APMClient`. See above for more details.
        default_instance_space: The default instance space to use for the generated SDK. If not provided,
            the space must be specified when creating, deleting, and retrieving nodes and edges.
        output_dir: The location to output the generated SDK wheel. Defaults to "dist".
        format_code: Whether to format the generated code using black. Defaults to True.
        config: The configuration used to control how to generate the SDK.
        from build import ProjectBuilder  # type: ignore[import]
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError(
            "'build' is required to build wheel. Install pygen with `pip install pygen[cli] or "
            "install build directly `pip install build`."
        ) from None

    data_model = _get_data_model(model_id, client, print)
    folder_name = _create_folder_name(
        data_model.as_id() if isinstance(data_model, dm.DataModel) else data_model.as_ids()
    build_dir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "pygen_build" / folder_name
    if build_dir.exists():
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Failed to clean temporary build directory {build_dir}: {e}")

    external_id = _extract_external_id(data_model)
    if top_level_package is None:
        top_level_package = _default_top_level_package(external_id)
    if client_name is None:
        client_name = _default_client_name(external_id)
        output_dir=build_dir / _top_level_to_path(top_level_package),

    generate_pyproject_toml(build_dir, top_level_package)

    output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
    ProjectBuilder(build_dir).build(distribution="wheel", output_directory=str(output_dir))

    print(f"Generated SDK wheel at {output_dir}")

generate_sdk(model_id, client=None, top_level_package=None, client_name=None, default_instance_space=None, output_dir=None, logger=None, overwrite=False, format_code=False, config=None, return_sdk_files=False)

generate_sdk(model_id: DataModel | Sequence[DataModel], client: Optional[CogniteClient] = None, top_level_package: Optional[str] = None, client_name: Optional[str] = None, default_instance_space: str | None = None, output_dir: Optional[Path] = None, logger: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None, overwrite: bool = False, format_code: bool = False, config: Optional[PygenConfig] = None, return_sdk_files: Literal[False] = False) -> None
generate_sdk(model_id: DataModel | Sequence[DataModel], client: Optional[CogniteClient] = None, top_level_package: Optional[str] = None, client_name: Optional[str] = None, default_instance_space: str | None = None, output_dir: Optional[Path] = None, logger: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None, overwrite: bool = False, format_code: bool = False, config: Optional[PygenConfig] = None, return_sdk_files: Literal[True] = False) -> dict[Path, str]

Generates a Python SDK tailored to the given Data Model(s).


Name Type Description Default
model_id DataModel | Sequence[DataModel]

The ID(s) of the data model(s) used to create a tailored SDK. You can also pass in the data model(s) directly to avoid fetching them from CDF.

client Optional[CogniteClient]

The cognite client used for fetching the data model. This is required if you pass in data models ID(s) in the model_id argument and not a data model.

top_level_package Optional[str]

The name of the top level package for the SDK. For example, if we have top_level_package=apm and the client_name=APMClient, then the importing the client will be from apm import APMClient. If nothing is passed, the package will be [external_id:snake] of the first data model given, while the client name will be [external_id:pascal_case]. In the case, pygen is part of another package, the top level package should be the full package name. For example, cognite.apm.

client_name Optional[str]

The name of the client class. For example, APMClient. See above for more details.

default_instance_space str | None

The default instance space to use for the generated SDK. If not provided, the space must be specified when creating, deleting, and retrieving nodes and edges.

output_dir Optional[Path]

The location to output the generated SDK. Defaults: Path.cwd() / Path(top_level_package.replace(".", "/")).

logger Optional[Callable[[str], None]]

A logger function to log progress. Defaults to print.

overwrite bool

Whether to overwrite the output directory if it already exists. Defaults to False.

format_code bool

Whether to format the generated code using black. Defaults to False.

config Optional[PygenConfig]

The configuration used to control how to generate the SDK.

return_sdk_files bool

Whether to return the generated SDK files as a dictionary. Defaults to False. This is useful for granular control of how to write the SDK to disk.

Source code in cognite/pygen/
def generate_sdk(
    model_id: DataModel | Sequence[DataModel],
    client: Optional[CogniteClient] = None,
    top_level_package: Optional[str] = None,
    client_name: Optional[str] = None,
    default_instance_space: str | None = None,
    output_dir: Optional[Path] = None,
    logger: Optional[Callable[[str], None]] = None,
    overwrite: bool = False,
    format_code: bool = False,
    config: Optional[PygenConfig] = None,
    return_sdk_files: bool = False,
) -> None | dict[Path, str]:
    Generates a Python SDK tailored to the given Data Model(s).

        model_id: The ID(s) of the data model(s) used to create a tailored SDK. You can also pass in the data model(s)
            directly to avoid fetching them from CDF.
        client: The cognite client used for fetching the data model. This is required if you pass in
            data models ID(s) in the `model_id` argument and not a data model.
        top_level_package: The name of the top level package for the SDK. For example,
            if we have top_level_package=`apm` and the client_name=`APMClient`, then
            the importing the client will be `from apm import APMClient`. If nothing is passed,
            the package will be [external_id:snake] of the first data model given, while
            the client name will be [external_id:pascal_case]. In the case, pygen is part of another package,
            the top level package should be the full package name. For example, `cognite.apm`.
        client_name: The name of the client class. For example, `APMClient`. See above for more details.
        default_instance_space: The default instance space to use for the generated SDK. If not provided,
            the space must be specified when creating, deleting, and retrieving nodes and edges.
        output_dir: The location to output the generated SDK.
            Defaults: Path.cwd() / Path(top_level_package.replace(".", "/")).
        logger: A logger function to log progress. Defaults to print.
        overwrite: Whether to overwrite the output directory if it already exists. Defaults to False.
        format_code: Whether to format the generated code using black. Defaults to False.
        config: The configuration used to control how to generate the SDK.
        return_sdk_files: Whether to return the generated SDK files as a dictionary. Defaults to False.
            This is useful for granular control of how to write the SDK to disk.
    return _generate_sdk(

generate_sdk_notebook(model_id, client=None, top_level_package=None, client_name=None, default_instance_space=None, config=None, clean_pygen_temp_dir=True)

Generates a Python SDK tailored to the given Data Model(s) and imports it into the current Python session.

This function is wrapper around generate_sdk. It is intended to be used in a Jupyter notebook. The differences are that it:

  • The SDK is generated in a temporary directory and added to the sys.path. This is such that it becomes available to be imported in the current Python session.
  • The signature is simplified.
  • An instantiated client of the generated SDK is returned.


Name Type Description Default
model_id DataModel | Sequence[DataModel]

The ID(s) of the data model(s) used to create a tailored SDK. You can also pass in the data model(s) directly to avoid fetching them from CDF.

client Optional[CogniteClient]

The cognite client used for fetching the data model. This is required if you pass in data models ID(s) in the model_id argument and not a data model.

top_level_package Optional[str]

The name of the top level package for the SDK. For example, if we have top_level_package=apm and the client_name=APMClient, then the importing the client will be from apm import APMClient. If nothing is passed, the package will be [external_id:snake] of the first data model given, while the client name will be [external_id:pascal_case]

client_name Optional[str]

The name of the client class. For example, APMClient. See above for more details.

default_instance_space str | None

The default instance space to use for the generated SDK. If not provided, the space must be specified when creating, deleting, and retrieving nodes and edges.

config Optional[PygenConfig]

The configuration used to control how to generate the SDK.

clean_pygen_temp_dir bool

Whether to clean the temporary directory used to store the generated SDK. Defaults to True.



Type Description

The instantiated generated client class.

Source code in cognite/pygen/
def generate_sdk_notebook(
    model_id: DataModel | Sequence[DataModel],
    client: Optional[CogniteClient] = None,
    top_level_package: Optional[str] = None,
    client_name: Optional[str] = None,
    default_instance_space: str | None = None,
    config: Optional[PygenConfig] = None,
    clean_pygen_temp_dir: bool = True,
) -> Any:
    Generates a Python SDK tailored to the given Data Model(s) and imports it into the current Python session.

    This function is wrapper around generate_sdk. It is intended to be used in a Jupyter notebook.
    The differences are that it:

    * The SDK is generated in a temporary directory and added to the sys.path. This is such that it
      becomes available to be imported in the current Python session.
    * The signature is simplified.
    * An instantiated client of the generated SDK is returned.

        model_id: The ID(s) of the data model(s) used to create a tailored SDK. You can also pass in the data model(s)
            directly to avoid fetching them from CDF.
        client: The cognite client used for fetching the data model. This is required if you pass in
            data models ID(s) in the `model_id` argument and not a data model.
        top_level_package: The name of the top level package for the SDK. For example,
            if we have top_level_package=`apm` and the client_name=`APMClient`, then
            the importing the client will be `from apm import APMClient`. If nothing is passed,
            the package will be [external_id:snake] of the first data model given, while
            the client name will be [external_id:pascal_case]
        client_name: The name of the client class. For example, `APMClient`. See above for more details.
        default_instance_space: The default instance space to use for the generated SDK. If not provided,
            the space must be specified when creating, deleting, and retrieving nodes and edges.
        config: The configuration used to control how to generate the SDK.
        clean_pygen_temp_dir: Whether to clean the temporary directory used to store the generated SDK.
            Defaults to True.

        The instantiated generated client class.
    data_model = _get_data_model(model_id, client, print)
    folder_name = _create_folder_name(
        data_model.as_id() if isinstance(data_model, dm.DataModel) else data_model.as_ids()
    output_dir = Path(tempfile.gettempdir()) / "pygen" / folder_name
    if clean_pygen_temp_dir and output_dir.exists():
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Failed to clean temporary directory {output_dir}: {e}")
            print(f"Cleaned temporary directory {output_dir}")

    external_id = _extract_external_id(data_model)
    if top_level_package is None:
        top_level_package = _default_top_level_package(external_id)
    if client_name is None:
        client_name = _default_client_name(external_id)
        output_dir=output_dir / _top_level_to_path(top_level_package),
    if str(output_dir) not in sys.path:
        print(f"Added {output_dir} to sys.path to enable import")
        print(f"{output_dir} already in sys.path")
        module = vars(importlib.import_module(top_level_package))
    except SchemaError as error:
        if is_pyodide() and "recursion_loop" in {e["type"] for e in error.errors() if "type" in e}:
            print("Large SDK detected. Reached recursion limit in Pyodide. Tying again skipping schema validation.")
            os.environ["PYDANTIC_SKIP_VALIDATING_CORE_SCHEMAS"] = "true"
            module = vars(importlib.import_module(top_level_package))
            raise error

    print(f"Imported {top_level_package}")
    print("You can now use the generated SDK in the current Python session.")
    if isinstance(data_model, dm.DataModel):
        view = data_model.views[0]
    elif isinstance(data_model, Sequence):
        view = data_model[0].views[0]
        view = None

    if view:
            "The data classes are available by importing, for example, "
            f"`from {top_level_package}.data_classes import {DataClass.to_base_name(view)}Write`"
    return module[client_name](client)

load_cognite_client_from_toml(toml_file='config.toml', section='cognite')

This is a small helper function to load a CogniteClient from a toml file.

The default name of the config file is "config.toml" and it should look like this:

project = "<cdf-project>"
tenant_id = "<tenant-id>"
cdf_cluster = "<cdf-cluster>"
client_id = "<client-id>"
client_secret = "<client-secret>"


Name Type Description Default
toml_file Path | str

Path to toml file

section str | None

Name of the section in the toml file to use. If None, use the top level of the toml file. Defaults to "cognite".



Type Description

A CogniteClient with configurations from the toml file.

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def load_cognite_client_from_toml(
    toml_file: Path | str = "config.toml", section: str | None = "cognite"
) -> CogniteClient:
    This is a small helper function to load a CogniteClient from a toml file.

    The default name of the config file is "config.toml" and it should look like this:

    project = "<cdf-project>"
    tenant_id = "<tenant-id>"
    cdf_cluster = "<cdf-cluster>"
    client_id = "<client-id>"
    client_secret = "<client-secret>"

        toml_file: Path to toml file
        section: Name of the section in the toml file to use. If None, use the top level of the toml file.
                 Defaults to "cognite".

        A CogniteClient with configurations from the toml file.
    import toml

    toml_content = toml.load(toml_file)
    if section is not None:
        toml_content = toml_content[section]

    login_flow = toml_content.pop("login_flow", None)
    if login_flow == "interactive":
        return CogniteClient.default_oauth_interactive(**toml_content)
        return CogniteClient.default_oauth_client_credentials(**toml_content)