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This module contains the base class for all fields.

Field dataclass

A field represents a pydantic field in the generated pydantic class.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the field. This is used in the generated Python code.

doc_name str

The name of the field in the documentation.

prop_name str

The name of the property in the data model. This is used when reading and writing to CDF.

pydantic_field Literal['Field', 'pydantic.Field']

The name to use for the import 'from pydantic import Field'. This is used in the edge case when the name 'Field' name clashes with the data model class name.

Source code in cognite/pygen/_core/models/fields/
class Field:
    A field represents a pydantic field in the generated pydantic class.

        name: The name of the field. This is used in the generated Python code.
        doc_name: The name of the field in the documentation.
        prop_name: The name of the property in the data model. This is used when reading and writing to CDF.
        pydantic_field: The name to use for the import 'from pydantic import Field'. This is used in the edge case
                        when the name 'Field' name clashes with the data model class name.


    name: str
    doc_name: str
    prop_name: str
    description: str | None
    pydantic_field: Literal["Field", "pydantic.Field"]

    def need_alias(self) -> bool:
        return != self.prop_name

    def from_property(
        prop_id: str,
        prop: ViewProperty,
        node_class_by_view_id: dict[dm.ViewId, NodeDataClass],
        edge_class_by_view_id: dict[dm.ViewId, EdgeDataClass],
        config: pygen_config.PygenConfig,
        view_id: dm.ViewId,
        pydantic_field: Literal["Field", "pydantic.Field"],
        has_default_instance_space: bool,
        direct_relations_by_view_id: dict[dm.ViewId, set[str]],
        view_property_by_container_direct_relation: dict[tuple[dm.ContainerId, str], set[dm.PropertyId]],
        view_by_id: dict[dm.ViewId, dm.View],
    ) -> Field | None:
        from .cdf_reference import CDFExternalField
        from .connections import BaseConnectionField
        from .primitive import BasePrimitiveField

        field_naming = config.naming.field
        name = create_name(prop_id,
        if is_reserved_word(name, "field", view_id, prop_id):
            name = f"{name}_"

        doc_name = to_words(name, singularize=True)
        variable = create_name(prop_id, field_naming.variable)
        if is_reserved_word(variable, "variable", view_id, prop_id):
            variable = f"{variable}_"

        description: str | None = None
        if hasattr(prop, "description") and isinstance(prop.description, str):
            # This is a workaround for the fact that the description can contain curly quotes
            # which is ruff will complain about. (These comes from che Core model)
            description = prop.description.replace("‘", "'").replace("’", "'")  # noqa: RUF001

        base = cls(
        if isinstance(prop, dm.ConnectionDefinition) or (
            isinstance(prop, dm.MappedProperty) and isinstance(prop.type, dm.DirectRelation)
            return BaseConnectionField.load(
        elif isinstance(prop, dm.MappedProperty) and isinstance(prop.type, dm.CDFExternalIdReference):
            return CDFExternalField.load(base, prop, variable)
        elif isinstance(prop, dm.MappedProperty) and isinstance(prop.type, dm.PropertyType):
            return BasePrimitiveField.load(base, prop, variable)
                f"Unsupported property type: {type(prop)}. Skipping field {prop_id}", UserWarning, stacklevel=2
            return None

    def as_read_type_hint(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def as_write_type_hint(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def as_graphql_type_hint(self) -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def as_typed_hint(self, operation: Literal["write", "read"] = "write") -> str:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def as_typed_init_set(self) -> str:

    def as_write(self) -> str:
        """Used in the .as_write() method for the read version of the data class."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def as_write_graphql(self) -> str:
        """Used in the .as_write() method for the graphQL version of the data class."""
        return self.as_write()

    def as_read_graphql(self) -> str:
        """Used in the .as_read() method for the graphQL version of the data class."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def as_value(self) -> str:
        """Used in the ._to_instances_write() method to write the value of the field to the node instance.
        This should only be implemented for container fields, i.e., fields that store their value in a container."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def argument_documentation(self) -> str:
        if self.description:
            return self.description
            return f"The {self.doc_name} field."

    # The properties below are overwritten in the child classes
    def is_connection(self) -> bool:
        return False

    def is_time_field(self) -> bool:
        return False

    def is_timestamp(self) -> bool:
        return False

    def is_time_series(self) -> bool:
        return False

    def is_list(self) -> bool:
        return False

    def is_text_field(self) -> bool:
        return False

    def is_write_field(self) -> bool:
        return True


Used in the .as_read() method for the graphQL version of the data class.

Source code in cognite/pygen/_core/models/fields/
def as_read_graphql(self) -> str:
    """Used in the .as_read() method for the graphQL version of the data class."""
    raise NotImplementedError


Used in the ._to_instances_write() method to write the value of the field to the node instance. This should only be implemented for container fields, i.e., fields that store their value in a container.

Source code in cognite/pygen/_core/models/fields/
def as_value(self) -> str:
    """Used in the ._to_instances_write() method to write the value of the field to the node instance.
    This should only be implemented for container fields, i.e., fields that store their value in a container."""
    raise NotImplementedError


Used in the .as_write() method for the read version of the data class.

Source code in cognite/pygen/_core/models/fields/
def as_write(self) -> str:
    """Used in the .as_write() method for the read version of the data class."""
    raise NotImplementedError


Used in the .as_write() method for the graphQL version of the data class.

Source code in cognite/pygen/_core/models/fields/
def as_write_graphql(self) -> str:
    """Used in the .as_write() method for the graphQL version of the data class."""
    return self.as_write()