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Building Solution


  • Access to a CDF Project.
  • Know how to install and setup Python using poetry and pyproject.toml.
  • Know how to use git for version control.
  • Know how to use a terminal, so you can run pygen from the command line to generate the SDK.

When you are ready to develop a solution based on a data model, you can use pygen to genrate a SDK that you check into version history. This SDK can be used by the developer team to interact with CDF.

This pages shows the recommended project structure for a CDF SDK project.

Project Structure

The following is the recommended project structure for a CDF SDK project:

 ┣ 📂client - CDF SDK generated by pygen
 ┣ ┣ 📂_api
 ┣ ┣ 📂data_classes
 ┃ ┗ 📜
 ┃ ┗ 📜
 ┣ 📜.gitignore - Git ignore file
 ┣ 📜.secret.toml -Secret configuration.
 ┣ 📜pyproject.toml - Project configuration file

# The config contains secrets, thus we do not want
# to commit it to version history

We recommend keeping the configuration for pygen in the pyproject.toml file. This way, the configuration is versioned together with the generated SDK. Making it easy for any team member to regenerate the SDK.


data_models = [
    ["IntegrationTestsImmutable", "Movie", "2"],
tenant_id = "<cdf-project>"
client_id = "<client-id>"
cdf_cluster = "<cdf-cluster>"
cdf_project = "<cdf-project>"
top_level_package = "movie_domain.client"
client_name = "MovieClient"
output_dir = "."


cognite-pygen = {version="*", extras=["all"]}

IMPORTANT: The .secret.toml file contains secrets and must NOT be committed to version history.

  client_secret = "<client-secret>"

Generating the SDK and Checking it into Version History

The instructions below assume you use git for version control.

Prerequisites: Instantiated a git repository and added the pyproject.toml, .gitignore and .secret.toml in the root of the repository. (Create the files and run git init && git add . && git commit -m "initial commit")

Generating the SDK

  1. Check out a new branch for the SDK generation. (e.g. git checkout -b sdk-generation)
  2. Ensure that pygen is installed and configured. (See Installation)
  3. Run pygen generate to generate the SDK. (e.g. pygen). pygen will pick ut the configuration from the pyproject.toml and .secret.toml files.
  4. Commit the generated SDK to version history. (e.g. git add . && git commit -m "generated sdk")
  5. Push the branch to the remote repository. (e.g. git push origin sdk-generation)
  6. Create a pull request for the branch.
  7. Merge the pull request.