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Installation Local

Prerequisites: Installed Python 3.9 or newer, see

  1. Create a virtual environment.
  2. Activate your virtual environment.
  3. Install cognite-pygen with the all option.

python -m venv venv
pip install cognite-pygen[all]

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install "cognite-pygen[all]"

Installation Options

pip install cognite-pygen

This only installs the core dependencies for cognite-pygen and is useful if you only want to generate the SDK from a Python script, for example, in a notebook.

pip install cognite-pygen[cli]

This installs the core dependencies for cognite-pygen and the dependencies for the CLI. This is useful if you want to generate the SDK from the command line.

pip install cognite-pygen[format]

This installs the core dependencies for cognite-pygen and the dependencies for formatting the generated SDK. This is useful if you want to format the generated SDK code with black.

pip install cognite-pygen[all]

This installs the core dependencies for cognite-pygen, as well as the CLI and code formatting dependencies.

Pyodide Installation

In a CDF Notebook you can install cognite-pygen by running the following code in a cell:

%pip install cognite-pygen

Pyodide Troubleshooting

Can't find a pure Python 3 wheel: 'cognite-pygen'

Context Seen: CDF Streamlit environment


Traceback (most recent call last): File "/lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/_commands/", line 146, in install raise ValueError( ValueError: Can't find a pure Python 3 wheel for: 'cognite-pygen==0.99.17' See: )

This error can occur if one of the dependencies of cognite-pygen is violated. For example, if you have

You will get the error above because cognite-pygen requires the cognite-sdk version to be >=7.13.6. You can fix this by updating the cognite-sdk version to >=7.13.6 in the requirements.txt file.


Requested 'typing-extensions>=4.10.0; python_version < "3.13"', but typing-extensions==4.7.1 is already installed

Context Seen: CDF Notebook Environment


ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[2], line 1 ----> 1 await import("piplite").install(**{'requirements': ['cognite-pygen==0.99.16']}) 2 from cognite import pygen 3 print(pygen.version)

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/piplite/, in _install(requirements, keep_going, deps, credentials, pre, index_urls, verbose) 115 """Invoke micropip.install with a patch to get data from local indexes""" 116 with patch("micropip.package_index.query_package", _query_package): --> 117 return await micropip.install( 118 requirements=requirements, 119 keep_going=keep_going, 120 deps=deps, 121 credentials=credentials, 122 pre=pre, 123 index_urls=index_urls, 124 verbose=verbose, 125 )

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/_commands/, in install(requirements, keep_going, deps, credentials, pre, index_urls, verbose) 130 index_urls = package_index.INDEX_URLS[:] 132 transaction = Transaction( 133 ctx=ctx, 134 ctx_extras=[], (...) 140 index_urls=index_urls, 141 ) --> 142 await transaction.gather_requirements(requirements) 144 if transaction.failed: 145 failed_requirements = ", ".join([f"'{req}'" for req in transaction.failed])

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.gather_requirements(self, requirements) 201 for requirement in requirements: 202 requirement_promises.append(self.add_requirement(requirement)) --> 204 await asyncio.gather(*requirement_promises)

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.add_requirement(self, req) 208 return await self.add_requirement_inner(req) 210 if not urlparse(req).path.endswith(".whl"): --> 211 return await self.add_requirement_inner(Requirement(req)) 213 # custom download location 214 wheel = WheelInfo.from_url(req)

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.add_requirement_inner(self, req) 297 if self._add_requirement_from_pyodide_lock(req): 298 return --> 300 await self._add_requirement_from_package_index(req) 301 else: 302 try:

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction._add_requirement_from_package_index(self, req) 344 if satisfied: 345"Requirement already satisfied: {req} ({ver})") --> 347 await self.add_wheel(wheel, req.extras, specifier=str(req.specifier))

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.add_wheel(self, wheel, extras, specifier) 383 await 384 if self.deps: --> 385 await self.gather_requirements(wheel.requires(extras)) 387 self.wheels.append(wheel)

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.gather_requirements(self, requirements) 201 for requirement in requirements: 202 requirement_promises.append(self.add_requirement(requirement)) --> 204 await asyncio.gather(*requirement_promises)

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.add_requirement(self, req) 206 async def add_requirement(self, req: str | Requirement) -> None: 207 if isinstance(req, Requirement): --> 208 return await self.add_requirement_inner(req) 210 if not urlparse(req).path.endswith(".whl"): 211 return await self.add_requirement_inner(Requirement(req))

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.add_requirement_inner(self, req) 297 if self._add_requirement_from_pyodide_lock(req): 298 return --> 300 await self._add_requirement_from_package_index(req) 301 else: 302 try:

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction._add_requirement_from_package_index(self, req) 344 if satisfied: 345"Requirement already satisfied: {req} ({ver})") --> 347 await self.add_wheel(wheel, req.extras, specifier=str(req.specifier))

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.add_wheel(self, wheel, extras, specifier) 383 await 384 if self.deps: --> 385 await self.gather_requirements(wheel.requires(extras)) 387 self.wheels.append(wheel)

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.gather_requirements(self, requirements) 201 for requirement in requirements: 202 requirement_promises.append(self.add_requirement(requirement)) --> 204 await asyncio.gather(*requirement_promises)

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.add_requirement(self, req) 206 async def add_requirement(self, req: str | Requirement) -> None: 207 if isinstance(req, Requirement): --> 208 return await self.add_requirement_inner(req) 210 if not urlparse(req).path.endswith(".whl"): 211 return await self.add_requirement_inner(Requirement(req))

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.add_requirement_inner(self, req) 297 if self._add_requirement_from_pyodide_lock(req): 298 return --> 300 await self._add_requirement_from_package_index(req) 301 else: 302 try:

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction._add_requirement_from_package_index(self, req) 344 if satisfied: 345"Requirement already satisfied: {req} ({ver})") --> 347 await self.add_wheel(wheel, req.extras, specifier=str(req.specifier))

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.add_wheel(self, wheel, extras, specifier) 383 await 384 if self.deps: --> 385 await self.gather_requirements(wheel.requires(extras)) 387 self.wheels.append(wheel)

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.gather_requirements(self, requirements) 201 for requirement in requirements: 202 requirement_promises.append(self.add_requirement(requirement)) --> 204 await asyncio.gather(*requirement_promises)

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.add_requirement(self, req) 206 async def add_requirement(self, req: str | Requirement) -> None: 207 if isinstance(req, Requirement): --> 208 return await self.add_requirement_inner(req) 210 if not urlparse(req).path.endswith(".whl"): 211 return await self.add_requirement_inner(Requirement(req))

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.add_requirement_inner(self, req) 287 # Is some version of this package is already installed? 288 = canonicalize_name( --> 290 satisfied, ver = self.check_version_satisfied(req) 291 if satisfied: 292"Requirement already satisfied: {req} ({ver})")

File /lib/python3.11/site-packages/micropip/, in Transaction.check_version_satisfied(self, req) 231 if req.specifier.contains(ver, prereleases=True): 232 # installed version matches, nothing to do 233 return True, ver --> 235 raise ValueError( 236 f"Requested '{req}', " f"but {}=={ver} is already installed" 237 )

ValueError: Requested 'typing-extensions>=4.10.0; python_version < "3.13"', but typing-extensions==4.7.1 is already installed

The cause of this error is currently unknown, other that there exist some other dependency requiring typing-extensions>4.10 that is not cognite-pygen.

The workaround is to manually uninstall the typing-extensions package and then install the cognite-pygen package.

In a cell, run the following code:

import micropip

Then, install cognite-pygen:

%pip install cognite-pygen