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ExternalID Factories


This module contains a configurable external id factory that can be used to create external ids for each domain class.

This is useful when you want to use pygen for ingesting data into CDF from JSON or another format that does not have external ids. The external id factories can be set on the DomainModelWrite class and will be called when creating instances of the DomainModelWrite class.

It is, however, recommended that you create your own external ids for each domain class, as this will make it easier to create external ids which are unique and meaningful. This can be done by creating a custom function with the following signature def custom_factory(domain_cls: type, data: dict) -> str: or using the ExternalIdFactory class.

For example, if you are ingesting windmills, you could create an external id based on an existing windmill field and write a custom factory function utilizing that field:

import uuid as uuid_
from cognite.pygen.utils.external_id_factories import ExternalIdFactory
from windmill.client.data_classes import DomainModelWrite, WindmillWrite, RotorWrite

fallback_factory = ExternalIdFactory.uuid_factory()

def custom_factory_by_domain_class(domain_cls: type, data: dict) -> str:
    if domain_cls is WindmillWrite and "name" in data:
        return data["name"]
    elif domain_cls is RotorWrite and "name" in data:
        return data["name"]
        # Fallback to uuid factory
        return fallback_factory(domain_cls, data)

# Finally, we can configure the new factory on the DomainModelWrite class a few different ways:

# Using the custom factory directly:
DomainModelWrite.external_id_factory = ExternalIdFactory(custom_factory_by_domain_class)
# Example input and output:
windmill_with_name = WindmillWrite(name="Oslo 1")
assert windmill_with_name.external_id == "Oslo 1"
rotor_no_name = RotorWrite(rotor_speed_controller="time_series_external_id")
assert uuid_.UUID(rotor_no_name.external_id)
windmill_with_external_id = WindmillWrite(external_id="custom_external_id")
assert uuid_.UUID(windmill_with_external_id.external_id)

# Using the create_external_id_factory function to have a prefix and suffix combination:
DomainModelWrite.external_id_factory = ExternalIdFactory.create_external_id_factory(
# Example input and output:
windmill_with_name = WindmillWrite(name="Oslo 1")
assert windmill_with_name.external_id == "windmill_Oslo 1"
rotor_no_name = RotorWrite(rotor_speed_controller="time_series_external_id")
assert rotor_no_name.external_id.startswith("rotor_")
assert uuid_.UUID(rotor_no_name.external_id.removeprefix("rotor_"))
windmill_with_external_id = WindmillWrite(external_id="custom_external_id")
assert windmill_with_external_id.external_id == "custom_external_id"

The example above has created the SDK for the windmill data with the following configuration:

top_level_package = "windmill.client"
client_name = "WindmillClient"


This is a factory class that can be used to create external ids for domain class instances.

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
class ExternalIdFactory:
    This is a factory class that can be used to create external ids for domain class instances.

    def __init__(self, factory: Callable[[type, dict], str], shorten_length: Optional[int] = None):
        self.factory = factory

        if shorten_length is not None and shorten_length <= 0:
            raise ValueError("Shorten length must be greater than 0 or None")
            self.shorten_length = shorten_length

    def __call__(self, domain_cls: type, data: dict) -> str:
        if self.shorten_length is None:
            return self.factory(domain_cls, data)
            return self.short(domain_cls, data)

    def short(self, domain_cls: type, data: dict) -> str:
        return shorten_string(self.factory(domain_cls, data), self.shorten_length or 7)

    def domain_name_factory(self):
        This creates a domain name external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.
        return self(domain_name)

    def uuid_factory(self):
        This creates a uuid external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.
        return self(uuid)

    def sha256_factory(self):
        This creates a sha256 hash external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.
        return self(sha256)

    def incremental_factory(self):
        This creates an incremental external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.

            warning: This is not recommended for production use due to potential conflicts in threads and external
                     services potentially using the same incremental indexing.
        return self(incremental_id)

    def create_external_id_factory(
        override_external_id: bool = True,
        separator: str = ":",
        prefix_ext_id_factory: Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]] = None,
        suffix_ext_id_factory: Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]] = None,
    ) -> Callable[[type, dict], str]:
        This creates an external id factory with a prefix:suffix format that can be set on the DomainModelWrite
        class provided a custom configuration.

            override_external_id: If True, any existing external_id in the data will always be overridden.
            separator: The separator between the prefix and suffix, should be a single character.
            prefix_ext_id_factory: The function to create the prefix, defaults to the domain_name_factory.
            suffix_ext_id_factory: The function to create the suffix, defaults to the uuid_factory.

            A factory function that can be set on the DomainModelWrite class.

        if len(separator) != 1:
            raise ValueError("Separator must be a single character")

        if prefix_ext_id_factory is None:
            prefix_ext_id_factory = self.domain_name_factory()

        if suffix_ext_id_factory is None:
            suffix_ext_id_factory = self.uuid_factory()

        def factory(domain_cls: type, data: dict) -> str:
            return self.external_id_generator(
                domain_cls, data, override_external_id, separator, prefix_ext_id_factory, suffix_ext_id_factory

        return self(factory)

    def external_id_generator(
        domain_cls: type,
        data: dict,
        override_external_id: bool = True,
        separator: str = ":",
        prefix_callable: Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]] = None,
        suffix_callable: Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]] = None,
    ) -> str:
        This creates an external id for each domain class instance provided a custom configuration.

            domain_cls: The domain class
            data: The data for the domain class instance
            override_external_id: If True, any existing external_id in the data will be overridden by the factory.
            separator: The separator between the prefix and suffix.
            prefix_callable: The function to create the prefix, defaults to the domain_name_factory.
            suffix_callable: The function to create the suffix, defaults to the uuid_factory.

            An external id for the domain class instance given the configuration following the format `prefix:suffix`
        if prefix_callable is None:
            prefix_callable = ExternalIdFactory.domain_name_factory()

        if suffix_callable is None:
            suffix_callable = ExternalIdFactory.uuid_factory()

        if override_external_id is False and "external_id" in data:
            return data["external_id"]

        return f"{prefix_callable(domain_cls, data)}{separator}{suffix_callable(domain_cls, data)}"

create_external_id_factory(override_external_id=True, separator=':', prefix_ext_id_factory=None, suffix_ext_id_factory=None) classmethod

This creates an external id factory with a prefix:suffix format that can be set on the DomainModelWrite class provided a custom configuration.


Name Type Description Default
override_external_id bool

If True, any existing external_id in the data will always be overridden.

separator str

The separator between the prefix and suffix, should be a single character.

prefix_ext_id_factory Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]]

The function to create the prefix, defaults to the domain_name_factory.

suffix_ext_id_factory Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]]

The function to create the suffix, defaults to the uuid_factory.



Type Description
Callable[[type, dict], str]

A factory function that can be set on the DomainModelWrite class.

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def create_external_id_factory(
    override_external_id: bool = True,
    separator: str = ":",
    prefix_ext_id_factory: Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]] = None,
    suffix_ext_id_factory: Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]] = None,
) -> Callable[[type, dict], str]:
    This creates an external id factory with a prefix:suffix format that can be set on the DomainModelWrite
    class provided a custom configuration.

        override_external_id: If True, any existing external_id in the data will always be overridden.
        separator: The separator between the prefix and suffix, should be a single character.
        prefix_ext_id_factory: The function to create the prefix, defaults to the domain_name_factory.
        suffix_ext_id_factory: The function to create the suffix, defaults to the uuid_factory.

        A factory function that can be set on the DomainModelWrite class.

    if len(separator) != 1:
        raise ValueError("Separator must be a single character")

    if prefix_ext_id_factory is None:
        prefix_ext_id_factory = self.domain_name_factory()

    if suffix_ext_id_factory is None:
        suffix_ext_id_factory = self.uuid_factory()

    def factory(domain_cls: type, data: dict) -> str:
        return self.external_id_generator(
            domain_cls, data, override_external_id, separator, prefix_ext_id_factory, suffix_ext_id_factory

    return self(factory)

domain_name_factory() classmethod

This creates a domain name external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def domain_name_factory(self):
    This creates a domain name external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.
    return self(domain_name)

external_id_generator(domain_cls, data, override_external_id=True, separator=':', prefix_callable=None, suffix_callable=None) staticmethod

This creates an external id for each domain class instance provided a custom configuration.


Name Type Description Default
domain_cls type

The domain class

data dict

The data for the domain class instance

override_external_id bool

If True, any existing external_id in the data will be overridden by the factory.

separator str

The separator between the prefix and suffix.

prefix_callable Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]]

The function to create the prefix, defaults to the domain_name_factory.

suffix_callable Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]]

The function to create the suffix, defaults to the uuid_factory.



Type Description

An external id for the domain class instance given the configuration following the format prefix:suffix

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def external_id_generator(
    domain_cls: type,
    data: dict,
    override_external_id: bool = True,
    separator: str = ":",
    prefix_callable: Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]] = None,
    suffix_callable: Optional[Callable[[type, dict], str]] = None,
) -> str:
    This creates an external id for each domain class instance provided a custom configuration.

        domain_cls: The domain class
        data: The data for the domain class instance
        override_external_id: If True, any existing external_id in the data will be overridden by the factory.
        separator: The separator between the prefix and suffix.
        prefix_callable: The function to create the prefix, defaults to the domain_name_factory.
        suffix_callable: The function to create the suffix, defaults to the uuid_factory.

        An external id for the domain class instance given the configuration following the format `prefix:suffix`
    if prefix_callable is None:
        prefix_callable = ExternalIdFactory.domain_name_factory()

    if suffix_callable is None:
        suffix_callable = ExternalIdFactory.uuid_factory()

    if override_external_id is False and "external_id" in data:
        return data["external_id"]

    return f"{prefix_callable(domain_cls, data)}{separator}{suffix_callable(domain_cls, data)}"

incremental_factory() classmethod

This creates an incremental external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.


warning: This is not recommended for production use due to potential conflicts in threads and external services potentially using the same incremental indexing.

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def incremental_factory(self):
    This creates an incremental external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.

        warning: This is not recommended for production use due to potential conflicts in threads and external
                 services potentially using the same incremental indexing.
    return self(incremental_id)

sha256_factory() classmethod

This creates a sha256 hash external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def sha256_factory(self):
    This creates a sha256 hash external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.
    return self(sha256)

uuid_factory() classmethod

This creates a uuid external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def uuid_factory(self):
    This creates a uuid external id factory instance of the ExternalIdFactory class.
    return self(uuid)

domain_name(domain_cls, data)

This creates an string based on the domain class name.


Name Type Description Default
domain_cls type

The domain class

data dict

The data for the domain class instance



Type Description

A string based on the domain class name

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def domain_name(domain_cls: type, data: dict) -> str:
    This creates an string based on the domain class name.

        domain_cls: The domain class
        data: The data for the domain class instance

        A string based on the domain class name

    # Note: Using mro instead of issubclass(domain_cls, DomainModelWrite) because DomainModelWrite is not available here
    if "DomainModelWrite" in [c.__name__ for c in domain_cls.__mro__]:
        return domain_cls.__name__.casefold().removesuffix("write")
    return domain_cls.__name__.casefold()

incremental_id(domain_cls, data)

This creates an incremental id for each domain class instance.


warning: This is not recommended for production use due to potential conflicts in threads and external services potentially using the same incremental indexing.


Name Type Description Default
domain_cls type

The domain class

data dict

The data for the domain class instance



Type Description

An incremental integer given the domain class

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def incremental_id(domain_cls: type, data: dict) -> str:
    This creates an incremental id for each domain class instance.

        warning: This is not recommended for production use due to potential conflicts in threads and external
                    services potentially using the same incremental indexing.

        domain_cls: The domain class
        data: The data for the domain class instance

        An incremental integer given the domain class
    domain_cls_name = domain_cls.__name__
    _INCREMENTAL_ID_REGISTRY[domain_cls_name] += 1

    return str(_INCREMENTAL_ID_REGISTRY[domain_cls_name])

sha256(domain_cls, data)

This creates a sha256 hash based on the data.


Name Type Description Default
domain_cls type

The domain class

data dict

The data for the domain class instance



Type Description

A sha256 hash

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def sha256(domain_cls: type, data: dict) -> str:
    This creates a sha256 hash based on the data.

        domain_cls: The domain class
        data: The data for the domain class instance

        A sha256 hash
    return sha256_(str(data).encode()).hexdigest()

shorten_string(input_str, length=7)

This shortens the input string to the specified length.


Name Type Description Default
input_str str

The string to shorten

length int

The length to shorten the input string to



Type Description

The shortened string

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def shorten_string(input_str: str, length: int = 7) -> str:
    This shortens the input string to the specified length.

        input_str: The string to shorten
        length: The length to shorten the input string to

        The shortened string
    return input_str[:length]

uuid(domain_cls, data)

This creates a uuid.


Name Type Description Default
domain_cls type

The domain class

data dict

The data for the domain class instance



Type Description

A uuid

Source code in cognite/pygen/utils/
def uuid(domain_cls: type, data: dict) -> str:
    This creates a uuid.

        domain_cls: The domain class
        data: The data for the domain class instance

        A uuid
    return uuid_.uuid4().hex